Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Buenos Aires Photo of the Day - Seltzer Bottles

One of the many, many charms of Buenos Aires is that it is still a seltzer culture.

I grew up with a glass bottled, metal-capped siphon of "Jewish champagne" in my grandparents' fridge. I still seek out "water with a kick," as my nephew used to call it, whenever I can. Most travels abroad I'm just happy I can get my water with bubbles in a regular water bottle, but in Buenos Aires I discovered in many cafeterias (a term they seem to use for cafes that also serve food) one could order "soda" and get a personal-sized plastic siphon of soda water (seltzer) all to one's self! (More on that later)

These classic siphons were for sale at the Sunday fair/flea market at Plaza Durrango in the San Telemo district. Prices were about $30 to $150 each, depending on the rarity and condition of the bottle.
Buenos Aires Tourist Tip: This Sunday market was one of the largest and best street flea markets I've ever been do. Do plan on being in Buenos Aires over a Sunday so you can take it in, bring lots of pesos (although some dealers will take dollars) and leave lots of time. The fair is huge.


  1. How incredibly cool! Were you able to procure a seltzer bottle or two to bring back stateside? You could make a few bucks off them I'm sure. I know I'd buy one. :)

  2. Sean,
    They are heavy! And the nicest ones are no longer as inexpensive as they once were. My friend bought one, but I just took pix.
    I did however drink as much seltzer as I could hold whenever there was an opportunity.

  3. What a fantastic picture. Even the seltzer bottles down in Buenos Aires are vibrant!

  4. Thanks. It's one of my favorite photos, too.

  5. nice photo. it is Plaza Dorrego. I just got back this morning. Fabulous!
