Vote for your favorite -- candied (jellied) apple vs. caramel apple. For a recipe for cinnamon candied apples, click here.
The caramel apple on the right was made from Kraft brand caramels with the recipe on the package. Here's the directions from the Kraft website (although I'd skip the Ritz cracker crumbs the on-line recipe recommends).
Take the poll (poll closes on 11/5/09) and leave a comment below about your favorite caramel and/or candied apple experiences, add ons, recipes or posts.
UPDATE -- Poll is closed -- 42 readers voted (thank you!), the winner at 78 percent was caramel apples. My favorite, candied apples, scored just 9 percent. Four percent liked both equally and 3 percent are not fans of either.
Caramel Apples are the State Fair on a stick- One bite and a huge piece of chewy caramel is your reward!! If you're REALLY lucky, you also get a nice crisp apple-
When I see them in the grocery store, I know Summer is Over and Fall is here... Do they have Caramel apples in Europe??
Les P
I have always loved Kraft caramels and caramel apples. YUM!
Candy and caramel both have specific taste memories for me. Each combines differently with apple--caramel melds with the fruit, candy crunches alongside it--but both require the crisp, cool air of a Canadian autumn for perfection...I can't decide between them!
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