Friday, September 17, 2010

Last Night's Hunger Challenge Dinner and a Holiday Hold

Last night, I made the very excellent tortilla lasagna for dinner. The recipe is here.  I skipped all the additional vegetables except a little garlic and 1/2 lb. of leftover frozen spinach and made it a bit smaller (only 6 tortillas instead of 9 and less shredded cheese and sauce), so it made 4 servings instead of 6. I used leftover sauce (about 12-16 ounces) and it came in at around $1 serving and was very tasty.  This recipe is from Hunger Challenge 2009.

I'm glad I have a depth of budget cuisine recipes to cull from now, it gets tiring to have to plot out every day and figure out every recipe. 

Blog Appetit's Hunger Challenge 2010 write ups are going on hold for a few days.  Because of the impending Jewish holiday, I'm taking today and tomorrow off from writing up my Hunger Challenge posts -- still to come are the Whole Foods budget shopping guide and the ethnic shopping experience.


  1. wow you are such a pro! that recipe looks delish :)

  2. Thanks LMS. What I like best about it is that it is so satisfying.
